Author: Kushani Bandara In a world filled with constant stimuli and rapid decision-making, many of us operate in a reactive mode — thinking quickly, acting swiftly, and rarely pausing to observe. Seba Haddad’s TEDx talk, “From Thinker to Observer,” introduces a profound shift in how we engage with life and ourselves, encouraging us to...
Author: Niloufer Perera During a recent visit to my friend’s home, I found myself in awe of the technology that made life so effortlessly convenient. It was as if I hardly had to lift a finger; a simple command like “Alexa, open the curtains” was all it took for things to happen automatically. Whether it...
Author: Jayantha Fernando The Hidden Lesson of the Hundred Rupee Note: A Reflection on Mindful Listening Imagine being asked to describe the symbols on a hundred rupee note. It’s something we handle almost daily, yet most of us struggle to recall the details. This exercise reveals a crucial insight: while we may be familiar with...
Author: Andrea Jayatilleka In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, emotional intelligence (EI) has become more than just a desirable trait—it is a critical skill. As leaders, we constantly navigate a complex web of emotions, both our own and those of our teams. While most of us are familiar with the concept of triggers, how many...
Pause Reflect Transform Author: Nuzla Nawaz Would you believe that I learnt one of the most important life lessons while watching Pooh Bear? Many years ago, while watching ‘Christopher Robin,’ a cherished movie to this day, I learnt from Pooh that ‘doing nothing leads to something.’ At that point in life, I was a mum...
Author: Irshad Lukman In today’s fast-paced world, taking a moment to pause and reflect can feel like a luxury we can’t afford. Yet, this time is crucial for our personal growth and well-being. By deliberately stepping away from our daily routines and responsibilities, we give ourselves a chance to assess our lives, understand our experiences,...
Author: Amanda Daniel. Life, in many ways, is like a river, flowing with twists, turns, and occasional rapids. Navigating this river can be challenging, and sometimes we need a guide to help us steer through the rough waters. For me, that guide came in the form of coaching conversations. I vividly remember my first coaching...